Alternative Programme
Saturday will cover sights and activities around Wellington. These will include a small Farmers Market and Te Papa. After lunch we will have some fun with beads. On our return to Lower Hutt you will have the choice of going to the Dowse gallery or participating in the Hidden Transmitter Hunt.
Sunday we will travel back in time along the Kapiti Coast visiting the Paekākāriki Station Museum. Popular attractions at the Museum include the village’s railway history, an exhibition about the US Marines who had a training camp here during WWII, and a section on Māori taonga. There is also a range of temporary exhibitions.
Then to the Wellington Tramway Museum with an opportunity to ride on the Tram. The trams date from the 1900’s through to 1930’s and were used in Wellington City until closure of the last tram routes. some closing in the early 1960’s, with the last closing in the mid 1960’s.
Our lunch stop will be overlooking the Ōtaki River.